Tuesday 3 March 2015


I am Isabel, a 23 year old graduated in English Language and Literature at the University of Seville with a passion for English accents and language translation.

  I have created this web page with the purpouse of keeping motivated to investigate about some of which, I think, are curious aspects of the English Language and their usage, as well as to share them with other people. Thus, I encourage everyone to participate since comments are really what keeps the blog going!

  I hope you enjoy my blog and you find its content interesting. Thank you for visiting and don't forget to leave a comment since most interesting facts usually arise from discussion!

Isabel x

This blog is the result of brief investigations I carry myself, of course, trying to be as well-documented as possible. However, do not forget these posts constitute a series of my own conclusions and opinions about the different topics subject of discussion. Constructive criticism will be more than welcome. Please feel free to leave a comment as well if you know any further information on those topics.